In today’s article I’ll be going over how to beat Lorroakan in Baldur’s Gate 3!
But first, briefly…
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Who is Lorroakan?
Lorroakan is a powerful spellcaster who owns and operates Sorcerous Sundries (Act 3), and he’s trying to tap into Dame Aylin’s divine power. Of course, we’re not gonna just sit back and let him do that. He is incredibly dangerous due to his ‘Elemental Retort’ ability, which lets him deal stupid amounts of damage when he is attacked. This is especially deadly because it does not require his Reaction, so Lorroakan is able to use this ability over and over again.
Preparation to Beat Lorroakan
In this guide, I use the help of Dame Aylin (Nightsong) to help me defeat this snarky-ass wizard. This can be achieved by speaking with Lorroakan, telling him that you know WHO the Nightsong is, and that she’s traveling with you. Then, head to camp and tell Dame Aylin that Lorroakan has some sneaky shit planned and she’ll offer to join you so she can have the pleasure of ‘meeting him.
You may also want to bring a caster with either Counterspell or Silence prepared, since his Elemental Retort ability can easily kill multiple characters before he even takes a turn.
Straightforward Strategy for Lorroakan
So admittedly this isn’t the most delicate strategy or tutorial that I’ve put out there, but I recommend just charging straight into battle and dealing as much damage as possible so that you can kill Lorroakan in a single round. Having a party full of characters with high Dex scores (and therefore high Initiative rolls) can also help tremendously. This means that you’ll end up sacrificing a couple of your party members, and that’s okay. It’s all part of the plan.
In one of my fights through, here’s how it went:
Right off the bat I Raged with Karlach and started swinging for the fences. Immediately I got my ass handed to me and Karlach took a whopping 94 points of damage on a single turn. On her OWN turn. Thankfully she survived with 1 single hp left, but honestly it wouldn’t have made a difference if she died on this turn or not.
Next, my Tav (Gloomstalker Ranger) unleashed a couple of shots against him and ended up dying from the insane amount of Elemental Retort damage. Again, this is OKAY and part of the plan.
Astarion finished off Lorroakan immediately after that with a ranged Sneak Attack, and huzzah! The hardest part is over.
Okay, Now What?
So things aren’t necessarily looking great at the moment (for me, I had essentially half of my party dead before the first round was even finished) but I promise that the fight will get significantly easier from here on out.
Reviving and healing your party members should be a top priority, but after that it’s just a matter of slugging out some damage to the elemental Myrmidons. They will teleport around and use different elemental attacks, but they’re not terribly difficult to defeat. Keep in mind that they have resistance to the main damage types (slashing, bludgeoning, and piercing) and will have other immunities defending on the specific type of Myrmidon.
That’s really all there is to it! Many of my other guides have a lot more tactical approach, but I honestly believe with this fight it’s best to just charge straight for it instead of dilly dalling because he is a powerful ass wizard and needs to be deddd.
Shout out to my Patrons Rachel Alexandria, Connor O’Keefe, Christian Duncan, and P0rtalW0lf for making this article possible. Thank you!
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